Bee Happy CC is now offering more flexibility to our families, including 9 and 10-hour sessions as well as our 'all day' sessions so you can make the most of the Child Care Subsidy.
Full day: 7:30am - 6:00pm
10 - hour: 7:30am - 5:30pm*
9 -hrs: 8:00am - 5:00pm*
*Indicative times is not limited. Session start and end times may vary to fit individual families needs. Check with our team for session times that suits you.
With the flexible model and the availability of one current center fee rate, families can rest assured there won't be any hidden fees.
Families who opt for nine/ten hours have the luxury of a 30-minute grace period while those who opt for ten hours have an overall grace period of one hour. If they go over this time-period, provided it is not outside of the centre’s normal operating hours, there is no financial penalty. Families will simply have their attended hours adjusted.
4*For eligibility: your child is at east 3 years old on or before 31 July 2025